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What is CMS.js?
CMS.js is fully client-side, Javascript site generator in the spirit of Jekyll that uses plain ol' HTML, CSS and Javascript to generate your website. It takes your content, renders Markdown and delivers a complete website in Single-Page App fashion...without the aid of server-side scripting (no Node.js, PHP, Ruby, etc.).
- Pico: http://picocms.org/ | Portfolio Theme, Plugins , MD
- Yellow: http://datenstrom.se/yellow/ | Editor, Plugins + Themes
- baun: https://bauncms.com/ | MD, Editor, Twig Templates
- Automad: http://automad.org/ | Portfolio Theme, Editor, MD
Typesetter: http://www.typesettercms.com/ | Editor, viele Plugins + Themes
- Grav: https://getgrav.org/ | MD , Plugins + Themes, Videoplugin
- Flextype: http://flextype.org/ | (Monstra+Fansoro) Videoplugin + Themes
- HTMLy: https://www.htmly.com/ | eher für Blogs
- Typemill: http://typemill.net/ | MD, schlank, eher für Textseiten
- CMSuno: https://github.com/boiteasite/cmsuno | Editor, für Onepager
- CMSimple: https://www.cmsimple.org/ | Video+Kalender-Plugins, altbacken
- WonderCMS: https://www.wondercms.com/ | Onscreen-Editor
- Nibbleblog: http://www.nibbleblog.com/ | eher für Blogs
- Sitemagic CMS: https://sitemagic.org/ | Editor, bloaty
- Blozilla: http://www.blozilla.com | Editor, Backplane
- BootPress: https://www.bootpress.org/ | Bootstrap based, nicht trivial
- Novius OS: http://www.novius-os.org/
Microweber: https://microweber.com/ sehr groß!
Mecha: http://mecha-cms.com/ | keine Demo
- Hugo: http://gohugo.io/
- Parvula: https://parvulacms.github.io/
- Postleaf: https://www.postleaf.org/
- Radiant: http://radiantcms.org/
- Middleman: https://middlemanapp.com/
- Apostrophe: http://apostrophecms.org/
- Herbie: https://www.getherbie.org/ | zu simpel, Plugins per cl
NOT FLAT, but worth a look:
- ElefantCMS: https://www.elefantcms.com/
- Pagekit: https://pagekit.com/ | Editor, Portfolio Theme
- Koken: http://koken.me/
- Secretary: http://secretarycms.com/
- Rexo: http://rexo.ch/ | zu komplex
Easy PHP script for uploading and unpacking zip files to the server much faster
Steps to follow:
create folder on the webserver called "zipper" or something else
copy the following PHP code into a file called "zipper.php" into this folder
use the url to this file to start the little script
select a zip file from your harddisk and go for it
after upload a directory exists in the folder "zipper" from step 1
with ftp program (like Filezilla) you can easily move the content to the directory of your choice (that's all), which goes much faster
Markdown liegt bei Webseiten im Trend. Immer mehr Content Management Systeme nutzen die einfache Auszeichnungssprache als sichere und schlanke Alternative zu den üblichen HTML-Editoren. Und auch immer mehr Autoren wissen die Vorteile von Markdown zu schätzen. Ganz im Mainstream ist Markdown zwar noch nicht angekommen, doch mit der Verbesserung der Markdown-Editoren könnte sich das in Zukunft ändern.
In this article, we will explain why you need to stop building websites with infinite scroll.
View the source code of any given web site.
Fast web pages for everybody.
A modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
A free visual guide to CSS.